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Best Way To Work on Stored Procedure Performance Tuning And Speed Up Execution

Stored procedures offer an effective means to execute SQL queries while bolstering database access security. Whether it’s dynamic query statements or routine maintenance tasks scheduled weekly, stored procedures streamline operations by allowing pre-compilation, reuse of plans within the same session settings, and processing directly at the database level. They can be invoked from application code or executed directly within the database environment.

What is the stored procedure in the SQL server?

A stored procedure is essentially a pre-compiled set of code. Its precompilation accelerates execution speed since the procedure remains cached unless modified, optimizing performance.

Why and When you should use stored procedure in SQL server?

In scenarios where your project involves minimal database transactions, dynamic queries can suffice, especially for one or two queries. However, for applications requiring frequent data access and numerous transactions, utilizing stored procedures can significantly reduce execution time and expenses.

Compilation and Execution time Reduction:

Stored procedures are precompiled compared to dynamic prepared statements, which compile each time your application code invokes them. Once a stored procedure is executed, it remains cached, resulting in faster execution times and quicker results.

Code Reusability

If various sections of your application frequently access similar database points, it’s more logical to write a stored procedure once and reuse it throughout the application, rather than duplicating the same queries in different places at the application level.

Highly Secure

Stored procedures provide enhanced security, making them preferable for data-critical applications. Unlike granting full database access, stored procedures allow controlled access, enabling precise selection of procedures that users or applications (roles) can execute or access. This mitigates the risk of SQL injection attacks, where hackers inject malicious code into queries to access unauthorized data.

How to find out if your stored procedures are slow?

When developing stored procedures, it’s crucial to prioritize both result accuracy and performance. Stored procedures typically offer faster execution times compared to direct queries. However, the performance of a stored procedure can be affected by waiting times (for resource availability) or long-running queries. To maintain optimal performance, it’s essential to analyze and comprehend the execution plan and continually monitor performance using the following methods:

CPU time and elapsed time

Database Optimization

Validate missing column statistics and missing indexes

Stored procedure performance tuning tips:

Use schema before the table name instead of default.

Avoiding Cursors

Make sure required columns are fetched.